Discover the Best Books Written by Marsha Sinetar
Marsha Sinetar began her professional life as a primary teacher, moved through the ranks of public education as an English teacher, then a K-5 Principal, and soon a consultant for both local and State projects, designing curricula for individualized instruction and Mentally Gifted Minors.
In 1980 she left the public sector to start Sinetar & Associates, Inc., customizing leadership programs for senior management of multinational Fortune 500 corporations. Concurrently with her private sector work, she began writing and is the author of numerous business articles, over 20 books (including children’s books), and a growing number of professional Monographs and recordings.
In 2000 Sinetar redesigned her life again toward a simpler, more contemplative schedule and began a small R & D arm and Archive related to her lifelong love with what she calls “the true learning,” actualizing the spiritual wholeness we are created to be.
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