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Do What You Love, The Money Will Follow
224 pages, 1989
A step-by-step guide to finding the "work" that expresses and fulfills your needs, talents, and passions. Using dozens of real-life examples, Marsha Sinetar shows you how to overcome your fears, take the little risks that make big risks possible, and become a person whose work means self-expression, growth, and love!
Discover how to tune in to your inner world and your unique talents; evaluate and build your self-esteem, banish your out-moded network of "shoulds" and liberate yourself from an unfulfilling job with this step-by-step guide to finding work that satisfies your passions.
Marsha Sinetar emphasizes the importance of following your passion. She believes that when you do what you love, financial success will naturally follow. So, instead of chasing money, chase your passion and see where it leads you.
The book encourages readers to explore their inner selves. It's all about understanding what you truly love and want to do. This self-discovery process is crucial in finding your passion and ultimately, your path to success.
Fear often holds us back from pursuing our dreams. Sinetar encourages readers to face their fears and take the leap. It's about taking risks and stepping out of your comfort zone to achieve your dreams.
Persistence is a key theme in 'Do What You Love, The Money Will Follow'. The author stresses that success doesn't come overnight. It requires hard work, dedication, and most importantly, persistence. So, keep going, even when the going gets tough.
Being true to yourself is a central message in the book. Sinetar suggests that authenticity leads to happiness and success. When you're authentic, you're more likely to find work that you love and that, in turn, leads to financial success.
Quotes 5
Marsha Sinetar's 'Do What You Love, The Money Will Follow' is a profound book that provides a roadmap to a fulfilling life of passion and purpose.

Sinetar's 'Do What You Love, The Money Will Follow' is a must-read for anyone seeking to align their career with their passion. It's a game-changer.

'Do What You Love, The Money Will Follow' by Marsha Sinetar is a powerful book that challenges conventional wisdom and encourages us to pursue our passions.

Marsha Sinetar's 'Do What You Love, The Money Will Follow' is a compelling read that inspires us to follow our dreams and find success in our passions.

'Do What You Love, The Money Will Follow' by Marsha Sinetar is a book that resonates with my own philosophy. It's a powerful guide to living a life of passion and success.

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