Vidal Portoauthor

Alexander Vidal Porto


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Alexandre Vidal Porto is a writer and diplomat. He spent his childhood in São Paulo and his adolescence in Fortaleza. As an adult, he lived and worked in Brasilia, New York, Santiago de Chile, Cambridge, Washington, Mexico City, and Tokyo. He currently lives with his husband in Frankfurt.

He is the author of three novels: Matias na Cidade (Record, 2005, Companhia das Letras, in press), Sergio Y. vai à América (Companhia das Letras, 2014; Europa Editions, 2016; EO Edizioni, 2016), winner of the Paraná Prize of Literature; and Cloro (Companhia das Letras, 2018), a finalist for the 2019 Jabuti award. 

He held a master's degree in law from Harvard University and was a columnist for the newspaper Folha de S. Paulo. He is currently working on his next novel, still untitled, based on the biography of Portuguese guitarist Luiz Delgado, who was prosecuted for sodomy by the Inquisition in Bahia in the 17th century.

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