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Sergio Y

160 pages, 2016



1382 books
The acclaimed Brazilian author's award-winning novel is a captivating and impeccably structured book about a therapist and his trans patient. Armando is nearing the end of a long, illustrious career as one of Brazil's most renowned therapists. Against his better judgment, he agrees to take on a new patient: Sergio, the teenage son of a wealthy Brazilian businessman. Sergio suffers from malaise, and his parents are concerned. However, after several sessions, Sergio abruptly interrupts his course of therapy following a trip to New York City. When Armando confronts him about his reason for canceling his course of treatment, Sergio reveals that he has found happiness in living as a woman and must pursue that happiness alone. Though perplexed by this revelation, Armando lets the matter rest without further ado. That is, until he learns from Andrea--Sergio's mother--that her son has moved to New York City in order to become Sandra. Shocked by this stunning revelation and disappointed in his lack of awareness, Armando embarks on a journey to discover the truth about himself and his former patient.
Exploration of Identity

In Sergio Y, Alexander Vidal Porto takes us on a journey of self-discovery and identity. The book explores the life of a young man named Sergio who is struggling with his identity and eventually finds peace in his transition to Sandra. It's a deep dive into the complexities of identity and self-acceptance.

Understanding of Transgender Issues

The book provides a profound insight into the life of a transgender woman. It's a great resource to understand the struggles and triumphs of the transgender community. It's not just a story, but a chance to walk in someone else's shoes and see the world from a different perspective.

Psychological Insight

Sergio Y is not just a story about gender transition, but it also delves into the human psyche. It explores the psychological aspects of identity, happiness, and fulfillment. It's a great book for those interested in psychology and human behavior.

Narrative Style

Alexander Vidal Porto's narrative style in Sergio Y is unique and engaging. The story is told from the perspective of a psychoanalyst, which adds a layer of depth and intrigue to the narrative. It's a great example of how a narrative perspective can enhance a story.

Cultural Insight

Set in Brazil, Sergio Y offers a glimpse into the country's culture and society. It's a great way to learn about Brazil's views on gender, identity, and societal norms. It's not just a book, but a cultural exploration.


Sarah Jessica Parker

Sarah Jessica Parker
