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Vegan for Everyone

336 pages, 2017

health & fitness

health & fitness

316 books

In this cookbook, America's Test Kitchen decodes and demystifies vegan cooking, so you can reap its many benefits and avoid the pitfalls of bland food, lack of variety, and over processed ingredients. 

The recipes are approachable and fresh, relying on vibrant ingredients and a variety of flavors to keep your taste buds engaged. Whether exploring a vegan diet for health, environmental, or political reasons, more people than ever are looking to get hearty plant-based meals onto their table. 

But eating vegan can seem overwhelming: Will it be flavorful? Satisfying? Easy to make? And it's easy to rely on processed foods that don't necessarily fit into a healthy diet, but feel like a quick fix when time is short.

Vegan Cooking Made Easy

America's Test Kitchen makes vegan cooking simple and accessible. The book is packed with over 200 vegan recipes that are easy to follow, even for beginners. So, if you're new to veganism or just want to explore more plant-based meals, this book is a great place to start.

Nutrition and Flavor in Balance

The author doesn't just focus on the health benefits of veganism. He also emphasizes the importance of flavor. The book shows you how to create vegan dishes that are not only nutritious but also delicious and satisfying.

Vegan Substitutes Explored

Ever wondered how to replace eggs or dairy in a recipe? America's Test Kitchen has got you covered. The book explores a variety of vegan substitutes for common non-vegan ingredients, making it easier for you to adapt your favorite recipes.

Beyond Just Recipes

Vegan for Everyone is not just a cookbook. It also provides valuable information about the vegan lifestyle, including its environmental and health benefits. If you're considering going vegan or want to learn more about it, this book is a great resource.

Vegan Baking Demystified

Baking without eggs or dairy can be a challenge, but it doesn't have to be. The author provides plenty of tips and tricks for vegan baking, helping you to create delicious cakes, cookies, and other baked goods without any animal products.



Sadia Badiei

Sadia Badiei

hospitalitymedia personalityscientist

Vegan for Everyone found in libraries

66 books

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