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The Arab Mind

496 pages, 2014



999 books
economics & politics

economics & politics

987 books

Published in 1983 and revised in 2006, Raphael Patai's The Arab Mind has been recognized as one of the seminal works in the field of Middle Eastern studies. In this penetrating analysis, Patai presents a thorough understanding of Arab society by discussing the upbringing of a typical Arab boy or girl, their concern for honor and courage, their tendency toward extremes of behavior, and their ambivalent attitudes toward the West. Chapters are devoted to the influence of Islam; sexual mores; Arabic language and art; Bedouin values; Arab nationalism; and the pervasive influence of Westernization. With a new foreword by Norvell B. DeAtkine, Director of Middle East Studies at the JFK Special Warfare Center and School, Fort Bragg, N. C. , this book unravels the complexities of Arab traditions, so you can gain authentic revelations about their culture and character.

Understanding Arab Culture

The Arab Mind by Raphael Patai is a deep exploration into the Arab culture. It helps you understand the values, beliefs, and customs that shape the Arab world. You'll find it fascinating to see how these cultural aspects influence their behavior and decision-making.

The Role of Language

Patai's research shows how the Arabic language plays a significant role in shaping the Arab mind. The book gives you a chance to see how language can influence thought processes and perspectives. It's a great way to understand the power of language in any culture.

Impact of Islam

The book also digs into the profound influence of Islam on the Arab mind. Patai explains how religion shapes their worldview, ethics, and lifestyle. It's a great resource if you're interested in understanding the intersection of religion and culture.

Arab History and Identity

Raphael Patai takes you on a journey through Arab history, helping you understand how it shapes their identity. You'll see how historical events and figures have left a lasting impact on the Arab mind. It's a great way to explore the roots of Arab culture.

Stereotypes and Misconceptions

The Arab Mind helps debunk many stereotypes and misconceptions about the Arab world. Patai's research provides a more nuanced and accurate picture of Arab culture. It's a must-read if you want to challenge your assumptions and gain a deeper understanding of the Arab world.

Quotes 2

The Arab Mind is a book that provides a comprehensive understanding of Arab culture and society.

H. R. McMasterH. R. McMaster - Military Strategist

The Arab Mind is a significant book that offers a deep insight into the Arab psyche.

Seymour HershSeymour Hersh - Investigative Journalist
H. R. McMasterSeymour Hersh


Dennis Prager

Dennis Prager

media personalitypolitics

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