Discover the Best Books Written by Patrick McKeown
Patrick McKeown is a graduate of Trinity College Dublin. In 2002, Patrick completed his clinical training in the Buteyko Breathing Method at the Buteyko Clinic, Moscow, Russia. This training was accredited by Professor Konstantin Buteyko. Having suffered from asthma, rhinitis and sleep-disordered breathing for over 20 years, Patrick offers both theoretical knowledge and his own experiences to help clients to overcome similar challenges.
To date, Patrick has written seven books and produced four DVD sets about the Buteyko Method, including three Amazon.com and Amazon.co.uk category bestsellers: Close Your Mouth, Asthma-Free Naturally, and Anxiety Free: Stop Worrying and Quieten your Mind.
His latest book, titled "The Oxygen Advantage", enhances sports performance by improving functional breathing patterns and applying unique breath hold exercises to simulate altitude training at sea level. The Oxygen Advantage is considered a foremost authority on breathing for exercise performance, and is currently translated into fourteen languages.
Patrick is Clinical Director of the Buteyko Clinic International and Chairman of its Advisory Board. He is also Director of Education for OxygenAdvantage.com and expert Breathing Advisor to XPT Life co-founded by Laird Hamilton and Gabby Reece. Patrick's professional memberships include Fellow of The Royal Society of Biology and Academy of Applied Myofunctional Sciences. Journal publications include the Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine.
Patrick provides international instructor breathing re-education and training to address a variety of health conditions including sleep issues and asthma through ButeykoClinic.com and for resilience and improved sports performance through OxygenAdvantage.com
McKeown is also the creator of SportsMask, designed to improve breathing efficiency and respiratory musle strength, as well as the Buteyko Belt for improved functional breathing for health. His work has been featured on BBC, MensHealth, Mercola, Ted talks, Dr Oz magazine, Ben Greefield, Dave Asprey’s Bulletproof podcast and more.
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