Discover the Best Books Written by Michael J. Casey
A native of Perth, Western Australia, Michael Casey is a writer and researcher in the fields of economics, finance, and digital technology and culture. He is currently Senior Advisor for the Digital Currency Initiative at MIT's renowned Media Lab while also providing consulting services and speaking globally on the evolving digital governance of the global economy.
Casey was previously a journalist, including 18 years at the Wall Street Journal covering global economics and markets. He is the author of four books. Che's Afterlife: The Legacy of an Image (Vintage, 2009) is a history of and cultural commentary on Alberto Korda's famous image of Che Guevara, the world's most reproduced photographic image. It was chosen as one of New York Times critic Michiko Kakutani's Top Ten picks of 2009.
The Unfair Trade: How Our Broken Global Financial System Destroys the Middle Class (Crown, 2012) looks at the global financial crisis through the stories of ordinary citizens around the world. The Age of Cryptocurrency: How Bitcoin and the Blockchain are Challenging the Global Economic Order (co-authored with Paul Vigna; St. Martin's Press, 2015) is an expose on the economic, cultural, and political changes heralded by the technology behind bitcoin and digital currencies.
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