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Women & Power

240 pages, 2020



999 books
economics & politics

economics & politics

987 books

Finally, Mary Beard's Women and Power traces the roots of misogyny to its primordial beginnings, as she demonstrates that public speaking has always been characterized as intrinsically male. Drawing vivid parallels between our cultural assumptions about women's relationship to power—and how powerful women provide a necessary example for all women who must resist being vacuumed into a male template—Beard draws on Medusa, Philomela (whose tongue was cut out), Hillary Clinton, and Elizabeth Warren (who was told to sit down) to show how the backlash against women who dare to speak up is as old as history itself.

The Historical Suppression of Women's Voices

Mary Beard explores the historical suppression of women's voices in public spaces. She traces this back to ancient Greece and Rome, where women were often silenced or ignored. This is a powerful reminder that the struggle for gender equality has deep historical roots.

The Power of Language

Beard emphasizes the power of language in shaping societal norms and perceptions. She shows how language has been used as a tool to marginalize women and maintain male dominance. It's a call to action for us to be more mindful of the words we use and their impact.

The Need for Redefining Power

One of the key points in Women & Power is the need to redefine what power means. Beard argues that our current understanding of power is inherently masculine and excludes women. She encourages us to rethink power as something that can be shared, not just held by a select few.

The Role of Women in History

Beard takes a look at the role of women in history, highlighting their contributions and achievements that have often been overlooked or downplayed. This book is a great reminder of the importance of recognizing and celebrating women's impact on our world.

The Importance of Women's Voices

In Women & Power, Beard emphasizes the importance of women's voices in public discourse. She argues that society as a whole benefits when women are heard and their perspectives are taken into account. This is a call to action for everyone to listen to and amplify women's voices.

Quotes 5

Mary Beard's Women & Power is a compelling and insightful exploration of women's role in society. It's a must-read for anyone interested in understanding the historical context of gender inequality.

Emma WatsonEmma Watson - Actress, Activist

Mary Beard's Women & Power is a thought-provoking examination of the historical suppression of women's voices. It's a crucial read for anyone seeking to understand the roots of gender inequality.

Margaret AtwoodMargaret Atwood - Author, Feminist

Women & Power by Mary Beard is a powerful exploration of the history of women's exclusion from power structures. It's a necessary read for anyone interested in gender equality.

Gloria SteinemGloria Steinem - Feminist, Journalist

Mary Beard's Women & Power is a profound analysis of the historical marginalization of women. It's an essential read for anyone interested in gender rights.

Malala YousafzaiMalala Yousafzai - Activist, Nobel Laureate

Women & Power by Mary Beard is a compelling study of the historical silencing of women. It's a vital read for anyone interested in gender issues.

Chimamanda Ngozi AdichieChimamanda Ngozi Adichie - Author, Feminist
Emma WatsonMargaret AtwoodGloria SteinemMalala YousafzaiChimamanda Ngozi Adichie


Catriona Wallace

Catriona Wallace


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