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Tribal Leadership

320 pages, 2008

business & management

business & management

1082 books


909 books

Tribal Leadership gives a remarkably insightful view of high-performance cultures. I learned about myself, and I learned lessons I will carry with me for the rest of my life. An unusually nuanced view of high-performance cultures.—John W. Fanning, Founding Chairman and CEO napster Inc.

The Power of Tribal Stages

In 'Tribal Leadership', Dave Logan introduces us to five tribal stages. Each stage represents a different level of collaboration and effectiveness within a group. By understanding these stages, you can help your tribe evolve and become more successful.

The Importance of Tribal Language

Logan emphasizes the importance of language in shaping a tribe's culture. The words we use can either build or break our tribe. So, it's crucial to pay attention to the language and communication style within your tribe.

The Role of Tribal Leaders

Tribal Leadership isn't just about the tribe, it's also about the leaders. Logan shows us that effective leaders are those who can guide their tribe from one stage to the next. They're not just bosses, they're mentors, coaches, and role models.

The Impact of Shared Values and Goals

In the book, you'll see how shared values and goals can unite a tribe. When everyone is working towards the same objective, it creates a sense of belonging and purpose. This is what makes a tribe truly powerful.

The Potential of Tribal Transformation

Logan's research in 'Tribal Leadership' reveals that any tribe, no matter how dysfunctional, can transform. It's all about recognizing the current stage, and then taking the right steps to move forward. This book gives you the tools to make that happen.

Quotes 3

Tribal Leadership gives amazingly insightful perspective on how people interact and succeed. I learned about myself and learned lessons I will carry with me and reflect on for the rest of my life.

Tony HsiehTony Hsieh - CEO, Zappos.com

Tribal Leadership presents a clear road map for the new reality of managing organizations, careers, and life. This book points to a new paradigm in not just information technology, but also business.

Marshall GoldsmithMarshall Goldsmith - Leadership Coach

Tribal Leadership codifies a lot of what I’ve been doing instinctively and provides a clear guide for all leaders who aspire to greatness.

Warren BennisWarren Bennis - Scholar, Organizational Consultant
Tony HsiehMarshall GoldsmithWarren Bennis


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Graham Duncan

investorventure capitalist
authorTony Hsieh

Tony Hsieh

entrepreneurtechnologyventure capitalistauthor
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Josh Waitzkin

Sahil Lavingia

Sahil Lavingia

entrepreneurtechnologyventure capitalist

Tribal Leadership found in libraries

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