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This Is Pleasure

96 pages, 2019



1382 books

In Bad Behavior, Mary Gaitskill proved herself capable of writing about gender relations with searing, even prophetic honesty. The effervescent, well-dressed Quin, a successful book editor, and a fixture on the New York art scene has been accused of repeated unforgivable transgressions toward women in his orbit. 

But are they unforgivable? And who has the right to forgive him? To Quin’s friend Margot, the wrongdoing is less clear. Alternating Quin’s and Margot’s voices and perspectives, Gaitskill creates a nuanced tragicomedy, one that reveals her characters as whole persons—hurtful and hurting, infuriating and touching, and always deeply recognizable. 

Gaitskill has said that fiction is the only way that she could approach this subject because it is too emotionally faceted to treat in the more rational essay form.

Exploring the Complexity of Relationships

In This Is Pleasure, Mary Gaitskill explores the complexity of relationships, particularly between men and women. She shows us that relationships are not always black and white, but often exist in shades of gray. It's a great book to check out if you're interested in understanding the nuances of human interactions.

Understanding Different Perspectives

Gaitskill presents the story from two different perspectives, allowing us to see the same events through different eyes. This approach encourages us to think about how our own perspective shapes our understanding of events. It's a fascinating exploration of how we perceive and interpret the world around us.

The Power of Empathy

One of the key takeaways from This Is Pleasure is the importance of empathy. Gaitskill shows us that empathy can help us understand and connect with others, even when their experiences are vastly different from our own. It's a powerful reminder of the importance of stepping into someone else's shoes.

Exploring the Impact of Social Change

The book also explores the impact of social change on individuals and relationships. It's a thought-provoking look at how societal shifts can affect our personal lives. If you're interested in understanding the intersection of personal and societal change, this book is a must-read.

The Complexity of Human Nature

Finally, This Is Pleasure digs deep into the complexity of human nature. Gaitskill doesn't shy away from exploring the darker sides of her characters, showing us that people are often a mix of good and bad. It's a compelling exploration of the human condition that will leave you thinking long after you've finished reading.

Quotes 5

This Is Pleasure is a powerful, thought-provoking novel that will leave you questioning the very fabric of societal norms.

Dwight GarnerDwight Garner - Book Critic

Gaitskill's This Is Pleasure is a masterful exploration of the complexities of human relationships.

Ron CharlesRon Charles - Editor, Critic

This Is Pleasure is a compelling narrative that challenges our understanding of power dynamics.

Katy WaldmanKaty Waldman - Literary Critic

This Is Pleasure is a profound exploration of consent and the murky lines that surround it.

Parul SehgalParul Sehgal - Book Critic

Gaitskill's This Is Pleasure is a brave and unflinching examination of the complexities of human desire.

John FreemanJohn Freeman - Editor, Writer
Dwight GarnerRon CharlesKaty WaldmanParul SehgalJohn Freeman
