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The Way Things Work

592 pages, 1967

science & nature

science & nature

1064 books

The principles of science, the inventions, and processes that have transformed our society, and the chemical, mechanical, and industrial innovations that have created our world are explained in simple terms using drawings, diagrams, and illustrations.

Understanding the Basics

C. Van Amerongen's book, The Way Things Work, helps you understand the basic principles of how things work. It's a great starting point if you're curious about the world around you and want to explore more.

Broad Spectrum of Topics

The book covers a wide range of topics. From simple machines to complex systems, you'll find a wealth of information to dig into. It's like a treasure trove of knowledge waiting to be discovered.

Practical Applications

The Way Things Work isn't just about theory. The author also shows you practical applications of the principles he discusses. This makes it easier to see how you can use this knowledge in your everyday life.

Easy to Understand

Don't worry if you're not a science whiz. C. Van Amerongen has a knack for explaining complex ideas in a way that's easy to understand. You'll be amazed at how much you learn without even realizing it.

Inspires Curiosity

One of the best things about The Way Things Work is how it inspires curiosity. As you read, you'll find yourself wanting to learn more, to research further, to explore deeper. It's a book that truly sparks the desire to know more.


Mike Maples Jr.

Mike Maples Jr.

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