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The Way of Kings

1008 pages, 2014



1382 books

The Way of Kings, the first book of The Stormlight Archive by #1 New York Times bestselling author Brandon Sanderson, is an incredible new saga of epic proportions. 

On a world called Roshar, where huge hurricanes called high storms to sweep across the rocky terrain every few days and incredible creatures hide in shells, trees pull in branches, and grass retracts into the ground, men trade kingdoms for Shardblades—mystical swords that transform their bearers into near-invincible warriors. 

One such war rages on a ruined landscape called the Shattered Plains.

The Power of Perseverance

In The Way of Kings, Brandon Sanderson shows us the importance of perseverance. His characters face numerous challenges, but they never give up. They keep pushing forward, no matter how tough things get. This is a great lesson for all of us - when life gets tough, don't give up, keep going!

The Complexity of Morality

Sanderson explores the complexity of morality in his book. He shows us that good and evil aren't always black and white. Sometimes, they're shades of gray. This encourages us to look deeper into our own beliefs and question our own morality.

The Importance of Loyalty

Loyalty is a key theme in The Way of Kings. The characters show us that loyalty to friends, family, and ideals is crucial. It's a reminder for us to stay true to those who matter most in our lives.

The Value of Courage

Courage is another important theme in this book. The characters often find themselves in dangerous situations, but they face their fears head-on. This teaches us to be brave in our own lives, even when we're scared.

The Intricacy of World-Building

Brandon Sanderson is a master of world-building. He creates a rich, detailed world in The Way of Kings that pulls you in and makes you feel like you're part of the story. If you're a fan of fantasy, you'll definitely want to check out this book.

Quotes 2

The Way of Kings is a masterclass in epic fantasy, a true testament to Sanderson's storytelling prowess.

Patrick RothfussPatrick Rothfuss - Fantasy Author

The Way of Kings is a mesmerizing, mind-blowing masterpiece of a book.

James DashnerJames Dashner - YA Dystopian Novelist
Patrick RothfussJames Dashner


Sahil Lavingia

Sahil Lavingia

entrepreneurtechnologyventure capitalist

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