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The Truth about Carbs

136 pages, 2014

health & fitness

health & fitness

316 books

Carbohydrates—the very word strikes fear in the hearts of many these days. They make you fat and lead to diabetes, right? And they cause heart disease and various other ailments…right? Chances are, if you’re trying to lose weight, you’ve probably tried a low-carb diet. But did it work for you long-term? If you’re still stuck in the yo-yo diet rut, still struggling with a muffin top and reluctant to attend that high school reunion or beach vacation, then you need to get your facts straight. Wouldn’t it be nice to finally get your diet ducks in a row and be lean for life? Low- and high-carbohydrate diets can both help you lose fat. The trick is figuring out which diet will work best for you. Until now, that was a guessing game involving a lot of self-experimentation with possible negative side effects if you chose incorrectly—fatigue, depression, anxiety and sexual dysfunction.

Understanding Carbs

Nate Miyaki's book, The Truth about Carbs, helps you understand that not all carbs are bad. He explains the difference between simple and complex carbs, and how the latter can be beneficial for your health.

Carbs and Weight Loss

The book explores the role of carbs in weight loss. Contrary to popular belief, Miyaki argues that carbs can actually aid in weight loss when consumed in a balanced way.

Carbs and Energy

Nate Miyaki digs into the science behind how carbs provide energy for our bodies. He explains how they fuel our muscles and brain, and why they are essential for physical activity.

Carb Timing

The Truth about Carbs also looks into the concept of carb timing. According to Miyaki, when you eat carbs can have a significant impact on your body's response to them.

Customizing Your Carb Intake

Finally, the book helps you customize your carb intake based on your lifestyle and fitness goals. Whether you're an athlete or a desk-bound professional, Miyaki provides practical advice on how to adjust your carb consumption.


Naval Ravikant

Naval Ravikant

entrepreneurmedia personalitytechnologyventure capitalist

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