
Nate Miyaki


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"Streamlining the fat loss and physique transformation processes down into simple, straightforward, actionable strategies and step-by-step guides". Most of the fitness industry focuses on selling you a bunch of B.S. that you don't really need, "get fit quick" schemes, or minutia that doesn't really matter that much in the end. 

Nate's approach is different. His mission is to use his formal education in Nutrition & Exercise Science, and near 20-year practical experience as a physique athlete, fitness model, and personal trainer, to help you reach your goals in the most effective, efficient, AND sustainable ways possible. 

Nate or his work has been featured in Men's Health, Men's Fitness, The Huffington Post, LIVESTRONG, Muscle & Fitness, T-Nation, and Bodybuilding.com. He has provided nutrition seminars and been a guest speaker for several corporate wellness programs including Zynga, Wix.com, Hanson Bridgette Law Firm, Stanford Business School, and his own mirror. 

Nate also writes about sports psychology, personal development, warrior, and Wave Man strategies for a more comprehensive lifestyle approach, and so that he doesn’t get bored talking about 6-packs all of the time. 

And yes it’s true. Nate wrote this bio in the third person in hopes that it would convince you that someone else was compelled to tell his glorious tale. 

Credentials: BA University of California, Berkeley; Post-baccalaureate studies in Kinesiology, Certified Specialist in Sports Nutrition (ISSA), Certified Specialist in Fitness Nutrition (ISSA), Certified Personal Trainer (ACE).

Please take a moment to scroll through the book catalog as it currently stands. From the physique-focused fitness stuff to the philosophy & lifestyle strategies, I (meaning me, Nate Miyaki) hope you find something that helps you along your Way.

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