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The Honourable Schoolboy

624 pages, 2011



1382 books

John le Carré's famous books skilfully guide readers through the complex shadow realms of international espionage with unrivaled skill and experience, earning him — and his hero, British Secret Service agent George Smiley — unprecedented international recognition. As George Smiley goes on the attack, le Carré builds on his remarkable picture of a secret world in this great opus. 

Smiley has been appointed ringmaster of the Circus, following a devastating infiltration by a Soviet secret agent (aka the British Secret Service). Smiley sends his own selected agent into action, determined to restore the organization's health and image while seeking vengeance. 

The Honourable Schoolboy, Jerry Westerby, is sent to the Far East. The region is a famous testing ground for national allegiances. It is a burial site of French, British, and American colonial civilizations. A new showdown is about to commence. 

The Intricacies of Espionage

John le Carré's The Honourable Schoolboy gives us a deep look into the world of espionage. It's not just about the thrilling chases and secret missions, but also about the politics, bureaucracy, and personal sacrifices involved in the life of a spy.

The Human Element in Spying

Le Carré shows us that spies are not just cold, calculating machines. They have their own personal lives, emotions, and dilemmas. The protagonist, Jerry Westerby, is a perfect example of this, as he struggles with his own personal issues while trying to fulfill his mission.

The Cold War Era

The book gives us a glimpse into the Cold War era, a time of high tension and paranoia. It's a fascinating look into a period of history that shaped the world as we know it today. If you're a history buff, you'll definitely want to check this out.

The Art of Storytelling

Le Carré is a master storyteller. His intricate plot, rich characters, and vivid descriptions will keep you hooked from start to finish. If you're an aspiring writer, you can learn a lot from his writing style.

The Moral Ambiguity of Spying

The Honourable Schoolboy explores the moral ambiguity of spying. It's not always clear who's right and who's wrong, and the characters often have to make difficult decisions with no clear answers. It's a thought-provoking read that will make you question your own beliefs.


Michael Bloomberg

Michael Bloomberg
