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The Hard Facts of the Grimms' Fairy Tales

368 pages, 2003



85 books

The darker side of famous fairy tales is the topic of this fascinating study of Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm's Nursery and Household Tales, which includes murder, mutilation, cannibalism, infanticide, and incest. 

A new introduction and an appendix comprising fresh translations of six tales, as well as commentary by Maria Tatar, are included in this revised and extended second edition. Tatar effectively combines the skills of a psychotherapist, as well as a folklorist, literary critic, and historian, to investigate the harsher elements of these legends throughout the book. 

In this internationally best-selling book, she offers new interpretations of great stories. Few studies on these stories have been produced in English, and none have looked at their ostensibly joyful endings as completely as this one. 

The Dark Side of Fairy Tales

Maria Tatar's book, The Hard Facts of the Grimms' Fairy Tales, explores the darker side of these beloved stories. She reveals that these tales were not always the sanitized versions we know today, but were originally filled with violence and horror. This book will make you see fairy tales in a whole new light.

The Evolution of Fairy Tales

Tatar's research shows how the Grimms' fairy tales have evolved over time. She explains how these stories were initially meant for adults and were later modified to be more suitable for children. This book will give you a deeper understanding of the history and evolution of fairy tales.

The Role of Women in Fairy Tales

In The Hard Facts of the Grimms' Fairy Tales, Tatar takes a look at the portrayal of women in these stories. She finds that women are often depicted as either wicked witches or helpless damsels in distress. This book will make you rethink the gender roles in fairy tales.

The Psychological Impact of Fairy Tales

Tatar digs into the psychological aspects of the Grimms' fairy tales. She discusses how these stories can shape a child's mind and influence their behavior. If you're interested in psychology, this book will provide you with fascinating insights.

The Cultural Significance of Fairy Tales

The Hard Facts of the Grimms' Fairy Tales also explores the cultural significance of these stories. Tatar shows how these tales reflect societal norms and values of their time. This book will help you understand the cultural impact of fairy tales.


Soman Chainani

Soman Chainani
