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The Great Book Of Amber

1264 pages, 2010



1382 books

On a parallel Earth, Corwin is powerless and penniless, with no memory of who he is or how he got there. He's a hired gun, forced to work for whomever can pay the most. When an assignment brings him face-to-face with his past, he must decide where his loyalty lies. Fighting against supernatural enemies like demons and werewolves, Corwin must decide whether to side with Chaos or Law—before one side or the other destroys him.

Explore the Multiverse

In The Great Book of Amber, Roger Zelazny introduces us to a multiverse of infinite possibilities. Each universe, or 'shadow', is a unique world with its own rules and realities. It's a fascinating concept that will make you question the nature of reality and existence.

The Power of Family Dynamics

The book delves into the complex relationships within the royal family of Amber. It's a deep dive into the power struggles, betrayals, and alliances that shape the story. You'll find yourself drawn into the intricate web of family dynamics.

Discover the Art of World Building

Zelazny is a master of world-building. He creates a rich and detailed universe that is both fantastical and believable. If you're an aspiring writer, you'll want to check out how he crafts his worlds.

Unravel the Mystery

The Great Book of Amber is not just a fantasy novel, it's also a mystery. As the protagonist Corwin regains his memory, he uncovers secrets and plots that will keep you on the edge of your seat. It's a thrilling ride that you won't want to miss.

Learn about Resilience and Determination

Corwin, the main character, is a study in resilience and determination. Despite the odds stacked against him, he never gives up. His journey will inspire you to face your own challenges with courage and resolve.


Quotes 5

Zelazny's Amber series is a thrilling journey into a world of infinite possibilities. It's a must-read for any fantasy lover.

George R. R. MartinGeorge R. R. Martin - Game of Thrones

Roger Zelazny's Amber series is a masterclass in imaginative storytelling. It's a book that will transport you to a world beyond your wildest dreams.

Neil GaimanNeil Gaiman - American Gods

The Great Book of Amber is a mesmerizing tale of adventure and intrigue. Zelazny's storytelling is unparalleled.

Stephen KingStephen King - Horror Novels

Zelazny's Amber series is a testament to the power of imagination. It's a book that will captivate you from start to finish.

Terry PratchettTerry Pratchett - Discworld Series

The Great Book of Amber is a magical journey that will leave you spellbound. Zelazny's storytelling is truly enchanting.

J.K. RowlingJ.K. Rowling - Harry Potter
George R. R. MartinNeil GaimanStephen KingTerry PratchettJ.K. Rowling



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