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Small Giants

304 pages, 2016

business & management

business & management

1082 books
Born on a farm in California and named in a field by her parents―artist Chrisann Brennan and Silicon Valley mogul Steve Jobs―Lisa Brennan-Jobs’s childhood unfolded in the rapidly changing Silicon Valley. When she was young, Lisa’s father was a mythical figure who was rarely present in her life. As she grew older, her father took an interest in her, ushering her into a world of mansions, vacations, and private schools. He paid for a lot of improvements to her life, but he could also be cold, critical, and unpredictable.
Choosing to be Small

In Small Giants, Bo Burlingham explores the idea that not all companies need to be big to be successful. Some businesses choose to stay small, focusing on quality and community rather than growth and profits. This is a refreshing perspective in a world where bigger is often seen as better.

The Importance of Culture

Burlingham emphasizes the importance of company culture. He suggests that a strong, positive culture can be a key factor in a business's success. So, take a look at your own company culture. Is it helping or hindering your success?

The Power of Passion

One of the key takeaways from Small Giants is the power of passion. The businesses Burlingham researched were all driven by passionate leaders who loved what they did. This passion trickled down to their employees and customers, creating a positive cycle of success.

Community Connection

Small Giants also highlights the importance of businesses being connected to their local communities. This connection can create a loyal customer base and contribute to the overall success of the business. So, check how well your business is connected to its local community.

The Value of Freedom

Finally, Burlingham finds that many successful small businesses value their freedom. They choose to remain independent, even if it means turning down lucrative offers. This allows them to stay true to their values and maintain control over their business. So, consider the value of freedom in your own business decisions.

Quotes 3

Small Giants is a must-read. It's a compelling and insightful guide on how companies can stay small yet achieve great things.

Seth GodinSeth Godin - Marketing Guru

Small Giants is a masterpiece. It brilliantly showcases how small businesses can be mighty and impactful.

Tom PetersTom Peters - Management Thinker

Small Giants is a revelation. It's a testament to the power of small businesses and their ability to change the world.

Guy KawasakiGuy Kawasaki - Silicon Valley Evangelist
Seth GodinTom PetersGuy Kawasaki


Noah Kagan

Noah Kagan

authorTom Peters

Tom Peters

Catriona Wallace

Catriona Wallace


Small Giants found in libraries

204 books

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