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128 pages, 2018

economics & politics

economics & politics

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Slave trading began around 10,000 years ago in Mesopotamia, which today is Iraq. Here, male slaves were considered to be worth an orchard of date palms, and female slaves were forced to perform sexual services for their owners. This book traces slavery from classical times to the present. It shows how the enforced movement of more than 12 million Africans on to the Atlantic slave ships, and the scattering of more to 11 million survivors across the colonies of the Americas between the late 16th and early 19th centuries, transformed the face of the Americas. Though they were not its pioneers, it was the British who came to dominate Atlantic slavery, helping to consolidate their status as a world power before they became the first major country to abolish slavery. James Walvin explores moral arguments related to slavery as well as economic ones, and describes how slavery worked in practice. He also describes the lives of individual slaves, their resilience in facing a brutal institution.
Understanding the History of Slavery

James Walvin's book 'Slavery' provides a comprehensive look into the history of slavery. It's not just about the American South, but it explores the global impact of this inhumane practice. It's a great read if you want to dig deeper into this dark chapter of human history.

The Economic Impact of Slavery

Walvin's research shows how slavery was not just a social issue, but also an economic one. The book reveals how the economies of many nations were built on the backs of slaves. It's a sobering look at how the pursuit of wealth can lead to the exploitation of fellow human beings.

The Human Cost of Slavery

In 'Slavery', Walvin doesn't shy away from showing the human cost of slavery. He paints a vivid picture of the suffering endured by slaves. It's a powerful reminder of the resilience of the human spirit in the face of unimaginable hardship.

The Legacy of Slavery

The book also explores the lasting impact of slavery on modern society. From racial inequality to economic disparities, the legacy of slavery is still felt today. It's a thought-provoking read that encourages us to reflect on our own role in perpetuating these injustices.

The Fight for Abolition

Finally, 'Slavery' by James Walvin highlights the tireless efforts of those who fought for the abolition of slavery. It's an inspiring look at the power of collective action and the importance of standing up for what's right. Check out this book if you want to learn more about these unsung heroes.


Chelsea Handler

Chelsea Handler


Slavery found in libraries

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