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240 pages, 2004



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Single is a life choice that can be disappointing, boring, or even lonely. But it doesn't have to be. Single is a book for women who want to learn about the different types of single and how women can thrive in this new world. It is not just any book; it's a compilation of true-life events and practical information that helps you enjoy your single status. There are many ways to find your happiness within yourself, and this book aims to help you do just that.
Embrace Your Singlehood

Judy Ford encourages readers to embrace their single status. She believes that being single is not a curse, but a chance to explore oneself, to grow, and to enjoy freedom. It's a time to focus on personal development and self-love.

The Power of Independence

Ford emphasizes the importance of independence. She suggests that being single allows you to make decisions without having to consider another person's preferences or needs. It's a time to take control of your life and make it exactly what you want it to be.

The Joy of Solitude

In 'Single', Judy Ford explores the beauty of solitude. She encourages readers to see solitude not as loneliness, but as a chance to enjoy your own company, to reflect, and to engage in activities that you truly love.

Building Strong Relationships

Ford doesn't disregard the importance of relationships. She advises readers to build strong relationships with friends, family, and even with themselves. She believes that being single doesn't mean being alone, but having the opportunity to create meaningful connections.

Preparing for Future Relationships

Lastly, Judy Ford suggests that being single is a great time to prepare for future relationships. She encourages readers to learn from past relationships, to understand what they want in a partner, and to work on becoming the best version of themselves.


Sjana Elise Earp

Sjana Elise Earp

activistmedia personalitysport

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