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Seeking Wisdom

328 pages, 2007



711 books
business & management

business & management

1082 books


909 books
Peter Bevelin's book, Seeking Wisdom, begins with a bit of wisdom from Confucius: A man who has committed a mistake and doesn't correct it, is committing another mistake. Seeking Wisdom is the result of Bevelin's research on attaining wisdom. His quest for wisdom began partly from his own mistakes and those he observed in others, but also from the philosophy of super-investor Charles Munger. A man whose simplicity and clarity of thought were unequaled by anything Bevelin had seen. In addition to naturalist Charles Darwin, the book cites an encyclopedic range of thinkers…
Understanding Human Behavior

In 'Seeking Wisdom', Peter Bevelin explores the importance of understanding human behavior. He believes that by studying psychology and biology, we can better comprehend why people act the way they do. This knowledge can help us make better decisions and avoid common pitfalls.

Learning from Mistakes

Bevelin emphasizes the importance of learning from our mistakes. He suggests that we should not only learn from our own mistakes but also from the mistakes of others. This can save us a lot of time and trouble. So, take a look at history, research case studies, and learn from them.

The Power of Models

The book encourages us to use models to simplify complex situations. By using models, we can see patterns and make predictions. This can help us make better decisions and solve problems more effectively. So, don't be afraid to check out different models and find the one that works best for you.

Importance of Clear Thinking

Clear thinking is a key theme in 'Seeking Wisdom'. Bevelin argues that clear thinking leads to better decision making. He suggests that we should always question our assumptions and avoid biases. So, take some time to dig into your thought processes and see if they're as clear as they could be.

Value of Wisdom

Finally, the book highlights the value of wisdom. Bevelin believes that wisdom is more than just knowledge. It's about understanding the big picture and making good decisions based on that understanding. So, don't just seek knowledge, seek wisdom.

Quotes 4

Seeking Wisdom is a remarkable book that distills the wisdom of some of the world's most profound thinkers. It's a must-read for anyone who wants to improve their decision-making skills.

Charlie MungerCharlie Munger - Investor, Philanthropist

Seeking Wisdom is a treasure trove of insights and wisdom. It's a book that I highly recommend to anyone who wants to improve their understanding of the world.

Warren BuffetWarren Buffet - Business Magnate, Investor

Seeking Wisdom is a thought-provoking book that challenges you to think differently. It's a book that I found to be incredibly insightful and enlightening.

Bill GatesBill Gates - Microsoft Co-founder

Seeking Wisdom is a fascinating exploration of the human mind and decision-making. It's a book that I found to be deeply insightful and thought-provoking.

Elon MuskElon Musk - Tesla CEO
Charlie MungerWarren BuffetBill GatesElon Musk


authorCharlie Munger

Charlie Munger

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Derek Sivers

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Jason Fried

entrepreneurtechnologyventure capitalistauthor
authorWarren Buffett

Warren Buffett

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Nassim Nicholas Taleb

David Cancel

David Cancel

entrepreneurtechnologyventure capitalist