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Saving Private Ryan

120 pages, 2009



1382 books
Directed by Steven Spielberg, starring Tom Hanks and Matt Damon, and based on the screenplay by Robert Rodat and Frank Darabont, Saving Private Ryan is a World War II drama set in France during and just after the D-Day Normandy Invasion. A squad of U. S. Army soldiers undertakes a mission to save one man: paratrooper James Ryan, the last survivor of a family of four brothers, all killed in action.
The Power of Teamwork

Max Allan Collins beautifully illustrates the importance of teamwork in Saving Private Ryan. The characters must work together to achieve their mission, showing that unity and cooperation are key to overcoming challenges. This is a great lesson for anyone, whether in a professional setting or in personal life.

The Horrors of War

The book doesn't shy away from showing the brutal realities of war. It's a stark reminder of the sacrifices made by soldiers and the devastating impact of conflict. Reading this book will give you a deeper understanding and appreciation for the cost of freedom.

The Value of Human Life

In Saving Private Ryan, Collins emphasizes the value of a single human life. The entire mission revolves around saving one man, showing that every life is precious and worth fighting for. This theme encourages readers to value and respect all human life.

The Complexity of Moral Choices

The book explores the difficult moral choices faced by soldiers during war. It shows that decisions are not always black and white, and sometimes there are no good options. This encourages readers to think critically about morality and ethics.

The Impact of Leadership

Collins shows how effective leadership can inspire and motivate a team, even in the most challenging circumstances. The book's portrayal of leadership is a great lesson for anyone in a leadership role or aspiring to be a leader.


Matt Damon

Matt Damon


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