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Riddle Master

592 pages, 1999



1382 books
A long time ago, the wizards vanished from the world. All knowledge was left in riddles that would take a special kind of person to solve. But when Morgon, a prince of farmers, wins a crown from the dead Lord of Aum after solving the riddle that proved his worthiness, he didn't know that he would have to flee to hostile kingdoms for his life. With him is Deth, the Harper for the High One who rules from mysterious Erlenstar Mountain. They will soon be confronted with many strange encounters and terrifying adventures as they continue on their journey toward discovering Morgon's destiny. Meanwhile, the three stars on his forehead seem to point toward his fate.
The Power of Self-Discovery

In Riddle Master, Patricia A. McKillip shows us the importance of self-discovery. The protagonist, Morgon, embarks on a journey that forces him to explore his identity and purpose. This book encourages us to look into our own lives and find our unique paths.

The Significance of Riddles

McKillip uses riddles as a central theme in the book. They are not just puzzles to be solved, but tools for understanding the world and oneself. This book inspires us to see challenges in our lives as riddles, waiting to be solved.

The Role of Destiny

Riddle Master explores the concept of destiny. Morgon's journey is shaped by a destiny he didn't choose, but he learns to embrace it. This book encourages us to accept our own destinies and make the most out of them.

The Importance of Friendship and Love

Throughout the book, the relationships Morgon forms are crucial to his survival and growth. McKillip shows us that friendship and love are powerful forces that can help us overcome even the most difficult challenges.

The Value of Courage

In Riddle Master, courage is a key theme. Morgon faces numerous dangers and uncertainties, but he never backs down. This book inspires us to be brave in our own lives, to face our fears and uncertainties head-on.
