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352 pages, 2009



1382 books
By day, he's a quiet preacher in a small Texas town, but by night Jesse Custer is possessed by a supernatural entity that allows him to command anyone or anything with only a spoken word. When his congregation is wiped out, Jesse picks up his gun-toting girlfriend Tulip and his hard-drinking Irish vampire friend Cassidy, and embarks on a journey to find God. This quest will take them west into the deserts of New Mexico and across the border into Mexico proper, where their newfound abilities will be put to the test as they discover an evil force—one that seeks to enslave Heaven and Earth. Their mission: To stop this evil at any cost!
Exploring the Power of Faith

Garth Ennis uses the character of Jesse Custer to explore the power of faith. Jesse, a preacher, is given the power to command others with his voice. This makes us think about the influence religious leaders can have and the responsibility that comes with it. It's a great reason to check out the book.

The Complexity of Characters

In 'Preacher', Ennis doesn't just give us black and white characters. He presents us with complex individuals, each with their own flaws and virtues. This makes the story more relatable and engaging. You'll find yourself drawn into their world, eager to see what happens next.

A Unique Blend of Genres

One of the things that makes 'Preacher' stand out is its unique blend of genres. It's a mix of western, horror, and supernatural elements, all wrapped up in a road trip narrative. This makes the book a thrilling read that's hard to put down.

Exploring the Theme of Redemption

Garth Ennis uses 'Preacher' to explore the theme of redemption. Many characters in the book are seeking forgiveness and a chance to make things right. This gives the story a depth that will make you think and might even inspire you to look at your own life.

A Critique of Organized Religion

While 'Preacher' is a supernatural thriller, it's also a critique of organized religion. Ennis questions the role of religious institutions and their leaders, making us think about the nature of faith and belief. It's a thought-provoking read that will make you see things from a different perspective.


Quotes 4

Preacher is a book that will leave you breathless with its audaciousness and dark humor.

Stephen KingStephen King - Horror Fiction Author

Garth Ennis's Preacher is a wild ride through the dark side of the American dream.

Neil GaimanNeil Gaiman - Fantasy Novelist

Preacher is a book that pushes the boundaries of what comics can achieve.

Alan MooreAlan Moore - Comic Book Writer

Preacher is a book that is both shocking and deeply human.

Joss WhedonJoss Whedon - Film Director
Stephen KingNeil GaimanAlan MooreJoss Whedon


Seth Rogen

Seth Rogen

Evan Goldberg

Evan Goldberg

comedianactorfilmmakermedia personality

Preacher found in libraries

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