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640 pages, 1994



1382 books
Yotam Ottolenghi is one of the world's most celebrated cooks. In this book, he offers a collection of vegetarian recipes that are organized by cooking method. These include salads, main dishes, and desserts and will change the way readers cook and eat vegetables.
The Struggle of Self-Discovery

In Plexus, Henry Miller takes us on a journey of self-discovery. He explores his own identity, his dreams, and his fears. It's a reminder for us to take a look at our own lives and find out who we truly are.

The Power of Persistence

Miller shows us that life is full of challenges and obstacles. But he also teaches us the importance of persistence. Even when things get tough, he never gives up. This is a lesson we can all learn from - to keep going, no matter what.

The Beauty of Art and Literature

Plexus is a testament to Miller's love for art and literature. He sees beauty in these forms of expression and uses them to understand the world around him. It encourages us to explore our own creative sides and see how it can enrich our lives.

The Complexity of Relationships

In the book, Miller digs into the complexity of human relationships. He shows us that they can be messy and complicated, but also rewarding and fulfilling. It's a chance for us to reflect on our own relationships and how they shape us.

The Importance of Individuality

One of the key takeaways from Plexus is the importance of individuality. Miller emphasizes the need to be true to oneself, even when faced with societal pressures. It's a call for us to embrace our uniqueness and not be afraid to stand out.


Woody Harrelson

Woody Harrelson
