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159 pages, 2001

arts & entertainment

arts & entertainment

401 books
In 1946, Jacques Prévert published a collection of poems called Paroles. The book was ranked 16th in Le Mondes 100 Books of the Century list in 1999.
Exploring Everyday Life

In Paroles, Jacques Prévert invites us to explore the beauty and complexity of everyday life. He uses simple language to paint vivid pictures of ordinary people, places, and events, making us see them in a new light.

Power of Poetry

Prévert shows us the power of poetry to express deep emotions and ideas. His poems are filled with humor, sadness, love, and anger, proving that poetry can be a powerful tool for communication and self-expression.

Social Commentary

Take a look at how Prévert uses his poems to comment on social issues. He doesn't shy away from criticizing society and its injustices, encouraging us to question and challenge the status quo.

Importance of Imagination

One of the key takeaways from Paroles is the importance of imagination. Prévert encourages us to let our minds wander, to dream, and to see the world from different perspectives. This can inspire us to be more creative and open-minded in our own lives.

Exploring Human Relationships

Finally, dig into Prévert's exploration of human relationships. He delves into the complexities of love, friendship, and family, showing us the beauty and pain that can come from our connections with others.


Éric Ripert

Éric Ripert

hospitalitymedia personalityauthor