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Our Kids

400 pages, 2016

economics & politics

economics & politics

987 books


999 books
Inequality matters. In fact, Robert Putnam writes, it threatens the very future of our country. The central tenet of the American dream has always been that all kids, regardless of their background or circumstances of birth, have a decent chance to improve their lot in life. But now, Putnam demonstrates with compelling empirical evidence and moving personal stories, that equality of opportunity no longer exists as it once was. The new barriers arise from an array of forces: rapidly rising income inequality, more single-parent families, housing segregation by income and race, shrinking social capital and civic engagement, erosion of the work ethic, and decreasing educational attainment among low-income families. Putnam's groundbreaking analysis is essential reading for anyone concerned about the strength and vitality of America's social fabric.
The Growing Opportunity Gap

In 'Our Kids', Robert Putnam explores the widening opportunity gap between rich and poor children in America. He shows that kids from affluent families have more chances to succeed, while those from low-income families struggle to keep up. This is a must-read if you're interested in understanding social inequality.

The Importance of Social Capital

Putnam's research in 'Our Kids' highlights the importance of social capital. He explains that strong community ties and supportive networks can significantly improve a child's chances of success. So, if you're a parent or an educator, you might want to check this out to see how you can help build these networks.

The Role of Education

Education plays a crucial role in a child's future, as Putnam points out in 'Our Kids'. He finds that the quality of education varies greatly depending on a family's income, which further widens the opportunity gap. This book will make you think about the changes needed in our education system.

The Impact of Family Structure

In 'Our Kids', Putnam digs into how family structure impacts a child's life. He finds that kids from stable, two-parent families tend to do better than those from single-parent families. This book will give you a new perspective on the importance of family stability.

The Need for Policy Changes

Putnam's 'Our Kids' is not just about identifying problems. He also suggests policy changes to bridge the opportunity gap. If you're interested in social policy and want to explore potential solutions to social inequality, this book is a great place to start.

Quotes 4

Our Kids offers a poignant and alarming exploration of the American Dream's dwindling vitality. It's a must-read for all who care about our future.

Barack ObamaBarack Obama - 44th U.S. President

Our Kids is a passionate, urgent book. It's a detailed guide to the most important subject in America, which is how the dream of social mobility can be restored.

David BrooksDavid Brooks - Political commentator

Our Kids is a wake-up call for society. It's a powerful examination of the growing inequality gap and why we need to invest in our children.

Arianna HuffingtonArianna Huffington - HuffPost founder

Our Kids is a compelling, eye-opening investigation of the challenges facing American youth and the erosion of the American Dream.

Bill ClintonBill Clinton - 42nd U.S. President
Barack ObamaDavid BrooksArianna HuffingtonBill Clinton


Jeff Jordan

Jeff Jordan

entrepreneurtechnologyventure capitalist