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Neural Darwinism

400 pages, 1987

science & nature

science & nature

1064 books

This is magisterial work that sets out a new theory of the function of the brain and nervous system. The author, one of the leading neuroscientists worldwide, considers all of the empirical observations pertinent to this theory and develops from them a theory that provides a fundamental neural basis for the categorization of the things of this world, and for developing behavior appropriate to each category. 

His theory also completely revises our view of memory, which he considers to be a dynamic process wherein neural systems are constantly recategorized. This has profound implications for the interpretation of various psychological states, from attention to dreaming. Neural Darwinism ranges over many disciplines, focusing on critical problems in developmental and evolutionary biology, anatomy, physiology, ethology, and psychology.

Understanding the Theory of Neural Darwinism

In his book, Gerald Edelman introduces us to the concept of Neural Darwinism. This theory suggests that our brains are not pre-programmed, but rather, they evolve through our experiences. It's a fascinating look into how our brains develop and change over time.

The Role of Selection in Brain Development

Edelman's research shows that the process of natural selection plays a crucial role in the development of our brains. Just like in evolution, the brain's neural circuits are selected and strengthened based on their effectiveness. This is a key takeaway from Neural Darwinism that can change how we see our brain's growth.

The Importance of Individual Experiences

One of the most interesting points in Neural Darwinism is the emphasis on individual experiences. Edelman argues that each person's brain is unique, shaped by their own experiences. This means that no two brains are exactly alike, even in identical twins. It's a great reminder of the power of our personal experiences.

The Concept of 'Neural Groups'

Edelman introduces the concept of 'neural groups' in his book. These are networks of neurons that work together to process information. The more a particular neural group is used, the stronger it becomes. This concept can help us understand why practice makes perfect.

Implications for Learning and Memory

Neural Darwinism has significant implications for learning and memory. According to Edelman, our brains are constantly adapting and evolving based on our experiences. This means that we can shape our brains through learning and practice. It's an empowering perspective that encourages us to take control of our brain health.


Arthur De Vany

Arthur De Vany
