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Narrow Road to the Interior
248 pages, 2019
In this beautiful translation of one of the most-loved classics of Japanese literature, Bashō (1644–1694) recounts his journey through the far northern provinces of Japan. The author, a great luminary of Asian literature who elevated the haiku to an art form of utter simplicity and intense spiritual beauty, is renowned in the West as the writer of Narrow Road to the Interior, a travel diary recounting his journey through the far northern provinces of Japan.
This edition also includes Hamill’s introduction, detailing Bashō’s life and the art of haiku; three other important works by Bashō—Travelogue of Weather-Beaten Bones, The Knapsack Notebook, and Sarashina Travelogue—and two hundred and fifty haiku from all four works.
Matsuo Bashō's Narrow Road to the Interior invites us to explore the beauty of simplicity. He shows us that there's a unique charm in the ordinary and mundane, encouraging us to appreciate the simple things in life.
Bashō teaches us the importance of keen observation. He finds profound meaning in everyday occurrences, showing us that if we take the time to look closely, we can find depth and significance in the world around us.
In Narrow Road to the Interior, the journey itself is the destination. Bashō's travels are not just about reaching a certain place, but about the experiences and insights gained along the way. It's a great reminder to enjoy the process, not just the end result.
Bashō's book encourages us to reconnect with nature. He finds inspiration in the natural world, and his writings remind us of the peace and tranquility that can be found in spending time outdoors.
Narrow Road to the Interior is a great place to start if you're interested in haiku. Bashō is considered a master of this form of poetry, and his work can inspire you to try your hand at this concise and evocative style of writing.