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Mortal Republic

352 pages, 2018

economics & politics

economics & politics

987 books


999 books

With Edward J. Watts's award-winning history of the Roman Republic, you'll learn how the most successful republic of the ancient world met its end — and how it might have survived. In Mortal Republic, you will discover why Rome traded freedom for authoritarianism. The civilization's governance structures, legislative procedures, and political practices promoted dialogue and compromise for centuries, even as it rose into the Mediterranean's preeminent military and political force. 

However, by 130 BC, Rome's rulers were increasingly employing these same tactics to shamelessly pursue personal wealth and block their opponents. As the city deteriorated and dysfunction increased, political squabbles gave birth to street-level violence. The stage was set for bloody civil wars and, eventually, Augustus' imperial reign.

The Fragility of Democracy

In Mortal Republic, Edward J. Watts explores how even the most stable and powerful democracies can collapse into chaos. He uses the example of the Roman Republic to show how internal conflicts and power struggles can lead to the downfall of a democratic system. It's a stark reminder to value and protect our democratic institutions.

The Importance of Checks and Balances

Watts emphasizes the importance of checks and balances in a democratic system. He shows how the Roman Republic fell apart when these systems were ignored or dismantled. It's a lesson for us to ensure that no individual or group has unchecked power.

The Role of Individual Actions

Mortal Republic highlights how individual actions can have far-reaching consequences. Watts shows how the decisions of key figures in the Roman Republic contributed to its downfall. It's a call to action for us to consider the impact of our choices and to act responsibly.

The Consequences of Political Polarization

Watts digs into the dangers of extreme political polarization. He shows how it contributed to the collapse of the Roman Republic, leading to civil war and the rise of autocracy. It's a warning for us to strive for political unity and avoid divisive rhetoric.

The Power of Historical Lessons

In Mortal Republic, Watts uses history as a tool to understand the present and shape the future. By studying the fall of the Roman Republic, we can learn valuable lessons about the importance of democratic values, the dangers of political polarization, and the role of individual actions. It's an invitation for us to learn from the past and apply these lessons to our own societies.


Evan Spiegel

Evan Spiegel
