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Mindful Design

377 pages, 2018



194 books


392 books

Create design products that enhance your customers’ lives by building a better understanding of human behavior. This book examines the different aspects of brain science—how human behavior can be used to integrate your product design into the lifestyle and make decisions for the good of those that are using your product. 

Mindful Design introduces the areas of brain science that matter to designers, and passionately explains how those areas affect each person's day-to-day experiences with products and interfaces. You will learn about the neurological aspects and limitations of human vision and perception; about our attachment to harmony and dissonance, such as visual harmony, and musical harmony; and about our brain’s propensity towards pattern recognition and how we perceive the world cognitively. In the second half of the book, you will focus on the practical application of what you have learned, specific to interaction and interface design.

Mindfulness in Design

Scott Riley emphasizes the importance of mindfulness in design. He suggests that by being present and aware during the design process, we can create more thoughtful and effective designs. It's not just about making things look good, but also about understanding the user's needs and how they interact with the product.

Emotional Intelligence in Design

Riley explores the role of emotional intelligence in design. He believes that understanding and managing our own emotions, as well as empathizing with the users, can lead to better design decisions. So, take a look at your own emotions and see how they can influence your design process.

The Power of Storytelling

In Mindful Design, the author highlights the power of storytelling in design. He suggests that by creating a narrative around our designs, we can engage users on a deeper level. So, why not try to weave a story into your next design project?

Designing for Accessibility

Scott Riley encourages designers to consider accessibility in their designs. He argues that by making our designs accessible to all users, regardless of their abilities, we can create more inclusive products. So, next time you're designing, remember to consider all users.

The Importance of User Research

In the book, he stresses the importance of user research in the design process. By understanding the needs, behaviors, and experiences of our users, we can create designs that truly meet their needs. So, don't forget to dig into some user research before you start designing.


authorRyan Hoover

Ryan Hoover


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204 books

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