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Love + Work
320 pages, 2022
Draws from Buckingham's renowned research and acclaimed book, "Go Put Your Strengths to Work." Buckingham helps us discover where we're at our best—both at work and in life. You've long been told to "Do what you love." Sounds simple, but the real challenge is how to do this in a world not set up to help you. Most of us actually don't know the real truth of what we love—what engages us and makes us thrive—and our workplaces, jobs, schools, and even our parents, are focused instead on making us conform.
Sadly, no person or system is dedicated to discovering the crucial intersection between what you love to do and how you contribute it to others. In this eye-opening, uplifting book, Buckingham shows you how to break free from this conformity—how to decode your own loves and turn them into their most powerful expression.
In Love + Work, Marcus Buckingham encourages readers to explore their own strengths. He believes that understanding what you're naturally good at is the first step towards finding work you love. So, take some time to dig into your own skills and talents.
Buckingham emphasizes the importance of passion in work. He suggests that when you love what you do, it doesn't feel like work at all. So, find what you're passionate about and see how you can incorporate it into your career.
The book also explores the concept of work-life balance. Buckingham argues that it's not about dividing your time equally, but about finding a balance that allows you to be happy and fulfilled in both areas. So, take a look at your own life and see if there are changes you can make to find your own balance.
Buckingham believes in the power of individuality. He suggests that everyone has unique strengths and passions, and that these should be embraced rather than suppressed. So, don't be afraid to stand out and be yourself.
Finally, Love + Work encourages continuous learning. Buckingham argues that we should always be looking for opportunities to grow and develop, both personally and professionally. So, keep an open mind and always be ready to learn something new.