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Love Warrior

304 pages, 2017


Glennon Doyle Melton's new memoir, Love Warrior, documents her journey of self-discovery after the implosion of her marriage. Just when Glennon Doyle Melton thought she had it all figured out—three happy children, a doting spouse, and a writing career so successful that her first book catapulted to the top of the New York Times bestseller list—her husband revealed his infidelity, and she was forced to realize that nothing was as it seemed. 

A recovering alcoholic and bulimic, Glennon found that rock bottom was a familiar place. In the midst of crisis, she knew to hold on to what she discovered in recovery: that her deepest pain has always held within it an invitation to a richer life.

Embrace Your Pain

In Love Warrior, Glennon Doyle encourages us to face our pain head-on. Instead of running away from it, she suggests we should sit with it, understand it, and learn from it. This is a powerful message that can help us grow and become stronger.

The Power of Honesty

Doyle emphasizes the importance of honesty in our lives. She believes that being truthful with ourselves and others is the key to healing and personal growth. So, take a look at your life and see where you can be more honest.

Self-Love is Essential

One of the key messages in Love Warrior is the importance of self-love. Glennon Doyle shows us that loving ourselves is the first step towards healing and happiness. So, start exploring ways to love yourself more.

The Journey of Self-Discovery

In the book, the author embarks on a journey of self-discovery. She encourages us to do the same. It's about digging deep into our souls, finding our true selves, and embracing who we are. So, why not start your own journey of self-discovery?

The Importance of Vulnerability

Doyle shows us that being vulnerable is not a weakness, but a strength. It allows us to connect with others on a deeper level and helps us grow as individuals. So, don't be afraid to show your vulnerability, it might just be the key to your personal growth.

Quotes 5

Love Warrior is a book that will shake you to your core. It will challenge you to be brave, to dig deep and find the courage within yourself to confront your own demons. It's a game changer.

Oprah WinfreyOprah Winfrey - TV host, Philanthropist

Glennon Doyle's Love Warrior is a testament to the transformative power of truth-telling. It's a raw, honest, and inspiring story that will leave you changed.

Elizabeth GilbertElizabeth Gilbert - Author, Speaker

Love Warrior is a book that teaches us how to turn our pain into power. It's a journey of self-discovery, healing, and transformation that everyone should embark on.

Brené BrownBrené Brown - Researcher, Author

Love Warrior is a fierce and important book. It's a life-line for those who feel lost, a beacon of hope for those in darkness.

Cheryl StrayedCheryl Strayed - Author, Podcaster

Love Warrior is a book that will change the way you see yourself and the world. It's a powerful, moving, and deeply human story.

Rob BellRob Bell - Author, Speaker
Oprah WinfreyElizabeth GilbertBrené BrownCheryl StrayedRob Bell


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