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Hidden War

256 pages, 2019

economics & politics

economics & politics

987 books


999 books

This isn’t a book about a conflict in a faraway country; it's a wake-up call about a battle that has been raging for years on U. S. soil. While debates about border security continue to rage, and with stories about legal and illegal marijuana in the news daily, Hidden War forces an astonishing dose of reality into the public consciousness. 

California game warden Lt. John Nores, Jr., now retired, has been at the forefront of this under-reported battle against thousands of Mexican drug cartel members who grow toxic marijuana on U. S. soil, frequently on public lands, and sometimes remarkably close to population centers. Who would guess that this struggle is even going on, or that the game warden was on the front lines?

The Hidden War on Wildlife

In 'Hidden War', John Nores takes us on a journey into the dark world of wildlife poaching. He reveals the shocking extent of this illegal trade and its devastating impact on our ecosystems. It's a wake-up call for us to take action and protect our wildlife.

The Role of Law Enforcement

Nores, a former game warden, gives us an inside look into the role of law enforcement in combating wildlife crime. He shares his experiences and challenges, showing us that it's not just about catching the bad guys, but also about educating the public and creating awareness.

The Human Impact

Hidden War isn't just about animals. It's also about us. Nores explores the human cost of wildlife crime, from the dangers faced by rangers to the communities affected by this illegal trade. It's a sobering reminder of our responsibility to our planet and each other.

The Power of Teamwork

In the book, Nores highlights the importance of teamwork in tackling wildlife crime. He shares stories of his team, the MET (Marijuana Enforcement Team), showing us that with collaboration and dedication, we can make a difference.

A Call to Action

Hidden War is more than just a book. It's a call to action. Nores encourages us to get involved, to learn more about wildlife crime and to do our part in stopping it. Whether it's through volunteering, donating, or simply spreading the word, we all have a role to play.



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