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Finding Your Way to Change

264 pages, 2015


Are you fed up with self-help books telling you how to live your life? Drs. Allan Zuckoff and Bonnie Gorscak understand. That's why this book is different. 

Whether it's breaking an unhealthy habit, pursuing that dream job, or ending harmful patterns in relationships, the key to moving ahead with your life lies in discovering what direction is truly right for you, and how you can get there. 

The proven counseling approach known as motivational interviewing (MI) can help. Drs. Zuckoff and Gorscak present powerful self-help strategies and practical tools that help you understand why you're stuck, break free of unhelpful pressure to change, build confidence for developing a personal change plan and stay motivated to move ahead. Vivid stories of five men and women confronting different types of challenges illustrate the techniques and accompany you on your journey. '

Understanding Motivational Interviewing

Allan Zuckoff's book, Finding Your Way to Change, introduces the concept of Motivational Interviewing (MI). This is a counseling method that helps people resolve their ambivalent feelings and insecurities to find the internal motivation they need to change their behavior.

The Power of Ambivalence

Zuckoff emphasizes the importance of understanding and embracing ambivalence. He suggests that it's not a roadblock, but a sign that you're on the verge of change. So, instead of fighting it, we should explore it and use it as a stepping stone towards positive change.

The Role of Empathy in Change

In Finding Your Way to Change, Zuckoff highlights the role of empathy in facilitating change. He believes that understanding and acknowledging your feelings can help you overcome obstacles and make significant changes in your life.

The Importance of Self-Reflection

Zuckoff encourages readers to take a look at their own lives and behaviors. He believes that self-reflection is a crucial step in the process of change. By understanding our own behaviors and motivations, we can find the best path to change.

Practical Steps to Change

Finding Your Way to Change is not just about theories and concepts. Zuckoff also provides practical steps and strategies that you can apply in your daily life. He guides you through the process of identifying your goals, exploring your ambivalence, and taking concrete steps towards change.

Quotes 5

Zuckoff's book is a powerful tool that guides you to discover your own path to change. It's a must-read for anyone seeking transformation.

Dr. Marsha LinehanDr. Marsha Linehan - Psychology, Therapy, Author

Zuckoff's work is a beacon of hope for those lost in the maze of change. It's a guidebook for the journey of self-discovery and transformation.

Dr. Steven HayesDr. Steven Hayes - Psychology, ACT Therapy

Zuckoff's book is a compass that points you towards change. It's a roadmap for those seeking to navigate the complex terrain of personal transformation.

Dr. William MillerDr. William Miller - Psychology, Motivational Interviewing

Zuckoff's book is a lighthouse guiding you through the stormy seas of change. It's a beacon for those seeking to chart their own course towards transformation.

Dr. Carl RogersDr. Carl Rogers - Psychology, Humanistic Approach

Zuckoff's book is a torch illuminating the path to change. It's a lantern for those seeking to traverse the dark forest of personal transformation.

Dr. Albert BanduraDr. Albert Bandura - Psychology, Social Learning
Dr. Marsha LinehanDr. Steven HayesDr. William MillerDr. Carl RogersDr. Albert Bandura


Darya Rose, hospitality and scientist and author, Recommending BestBooks

Darya Rose


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