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Everything Is Obvious

352 pages, 2011


What do you think explains the most famous painting in the world and why Facebook succeeded? At the same time, other social networking sites failed, whether the surge in Iraq led to less violence, how much CEOs impact their companies' performance, and whether higher pay incentivizes people.

If you think these questions have straightforward answers, sociologist Duncan Watts shows in this book that common sense reasoning and history conspire to mislead you. He presents his counterintuitive findings—and examples from politics and business—to show that our best attempts to understand human behavior often fail because we don't know what we don't know.

Common Sense Isn't Always Reliable

In 'Everything Is Obvious', Duncan J. Watts challenges the idea that common sense is always the best guide. He argues that our reliance on common sense can often lead us astray, especially when dealing with complex situations. So, next time you're faced with a tough decision, remember to question your initial instincts.

The Importance of Context

Watts emphasizes the importance of context in understanding situations. He suggests that what works in one situation may not work in another. So, when you're trying to solve a problem, don't just apply a one-size-fits-all solution. Instead, take a look at the specific circumstances and adjust your approach accordingly.

The Power of Networks

The book explores the power of networks and how they influence our lives. Watts shows that understanding the structure and dynamics of networks can help us make better decisions. So, if you're looking to improve your decision-making skills, it's worth digging into the world of networks.

The Complexity of Predicting Human Behavior

Watts explains that predicting human behavior is a complex task due to the multitude of factors involved. He encourages us to be cautious of oversimplified explanations and to embrace the complexity of human behavior. So, next time you're trying to predict an outcome, remember to consider all the variables.

The Limitations of Hindsight

In 'Everything Is Obvious', he also discusses the limitations of hindsight. He argues that just because something seems obvious in retrospect, doesn't mean it was predictable. This is a great reminder to not be too hard on yourself when things don't go as planned. Instead, use these experiences as opportunities to learn and grow.

Quotes 5

Duncan Watts has written a brilliant book that should be read by anyone who wants to understand how the world really works.

Daniel GilbertDaniel Gilbert - Psychology, Author

Watts' book is a deep and insightful read that is filled with intellectual surprises.

Jonah LehrerJonah Lehrer - Journalist, Author

Watts' book is a compelling argument against the idea that everything is obvious.

Steven StrogatzSteven Strogatz - Mathematician, Writer

Watts' book is a powerful antidote to the common sense that gets us into so much trouble.

Nassim Nicholas TalebNassim Nicholas Taleb - Statistician, Scholar

Watts' book is a fascinating exploration of the science of common sense and brings a new perspective to what we see in life.

Dan ArielyDan Ariely - Behavioral Economist
Daniel GilbertJonah LehrerSteven StrogatzNassim Nicholas TalebDan Ariely


David Rothschild, activist and scientist, Recommending BestBooks

David Rothschild


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