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Designing News

240 pages, 2013

business & management

business & management

1082 books

Francesco Franchi's perceptive book about the design of media and information graphics. In it, Franchi also envisions the future of news reporting by publishing companies and on the internet. Francesco Franchi is one of the most exceptional talents working in information graphics today. 

Although relatively young and new to the field, Franchi has already received worldwide acclaim for his distinctive graphic design of IL―Intelligence in Lifestyle, an Italian magazine now widely considered to be a modern classic; with Designing News, he conveys his vision for the future of news and the media industry. 

Based on personal insight and experience, he offers valuable analysis and perspectives on fundamental changes taking place in how media is being used--both by consumers who want more than just text on a page or screen, but also by journalists who need to stay abreast of new technologies that are transforming their craft.

Understanding the Importance of Visual Storytelling

Francesco Franchi emphasizes the importance of visual storytelling in news design. He believes that a well-designed infographic can communicate complex information in a simple, digestible format. So, if you're looking to improve your news design, take a look at how you can incorporate more visual elements.

The Role of Technology in News Design

Franchi explores the role of technology in shaping the future of news design. He suggests that digital platforms offer new opportunities for interactive and immersive storytelling. If you're interested in the intersection of technology and news design, you'll find this book insightful.

The Evolution of News Design

Designing News takes you on a journey through the evolution of news design. Franchi shows how news design has changed over the years, adapting to new mediums and audience preferences. It's a great read if you want to understand the history and future of news design.

The Power of Good Design

Franchi believes that good design can make news more engaging and accessible. He provides practical tips and examples on how to improve your news design. If you're a designer or journalist, you'll find these insights valuable.

The Future of News Design

Franchi doesn't just look at the current state of news design, he also predicts its future. He sees a world where news design is more interactive, personalized, and immersive. If you're curious about the future of news design, you'll want to check out Designing News.