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Cosmic Consciousness

229 pages, 2018


This is a luxury study of super-advanced and psychic individuals. Bucke provides several dozen inspiring examples of cosmic consciousness. Some of these are the usual suspects, and others are contemporary case histories that he collected. Bucke suggested that these enlightened figures were evolutionary leaps, precursors to a more advanced species.

Understanding Cosmic Consciousness

Richard M. Bucke introduces us to the concept of Cosmic Consciousness, a higher form of consciousness than that possessed by the ordinary man. This consciousness shows the cosmos to consist not of dead matter governed by unconscious, rigid, and unintending law; it shows it on the contrary as entirely immaterial, entirely spiritual and entirely alive.

The Evolution of Human Consciousness

Bucke suggests that human consciousness is evolving and that a new form of consciousness, which he calls 'Cosmic Consciousness', is emerging. This new consciousness will lead to a higher understanding of the universe and our place in it. So, if you're interested in the evolution of human consciousness, you should definitely check out this book.

The Experience of Enlightenment

In Cosmic Consciousness, Bucke shares his own experience of enlightenment and the experiences of others. He describes it as a moment of transcendent emotion where the individual feels a sense of unity with the universe. If you're curious about what enlightenment feels like, this book will give you a glimpse into that experience.

The Role of Art and Poetry

Bucke believes that art and poetry play a crucial role in expressing the inexpressible and in helping us reach a higher level of consciousness. He explores the works of poets and artists who he believes have achieved Cosmic Consciousness. If you're into art and poetry, you'll find this aspect of the book fascinating.

The Path to Achieving Cosmic Consciousness

The book doesn't just explore the concept of Cosmic Consciousness, it also provides insights into how one can achieve it. Bucke suggests that love, purity, and selflessness are key to achieving this higher state of consciousness. If you're looking for ways to elevate your consciousness, you'll find some valuable tips in this book.

Quotes 5

Bucke's 'Cosmic Consciousness' is a profound exploration of the human mind's potential. It's a must-read for anyone interested in consciousness studies.

William JamesWilliam James - American philosopher

Richard Bucke's 'Cosmic Consciousness' is a pioneering work that delves into the depths of the human psyche, offering valuable insights.

Carl JungCarl Jung - Swiss psychiatrist

'Cosmic Consciousness' by Richard Bucke is a seminal work that has greatly influenced my understanding of human consciousness.

Aldous HuxleyAldous Huxley - English writer

Bucke's 'Cosmic Consciousness' is a groundbreaking exploration of the human mind and its potential for transcendence.

Alan WattsAlan Watts - British philosopher

Richard Bucke's 'Cosmic Consciousness' is a revolutionary work that has significantly influenced my views on consciousness and human potential.

Timothy LearyTimothy Leary - American psychologist
William JamesCarl JungAldous HuxleyAlan WattsTimothy Leary


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