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Buddhism without Beliefs

144 pages, 1998

spirituality & religion

spirituality & religion

408 books


711 books

In this accessible and thought-provoking volume, Stephen Batchelor offers a thoughtful and relevant interpretation of the teachings of Buddhism. 

He reminds us that the Buddha was not a mystic who claimed privileged knowledge of the universe; instead, he was a compassionate man who inspired others by inviting them to understand the nature of suffering and let go of its causes. 

As Batchelor lucidly explains, Buddhism offers us practices that we can engage in regardless of our backgrounds or beliefs as we move toward spiritual enlightenment.

Buddhism Beyond Religion

In 'Buddhism without Beliefs', Stephen Batchelor invites us to see Buddhism not as a religion, but as a practical philosophy. He encourages us to explore its teachings without the need for faith or belief in a higher power. It's a fresh perspective that can help us find peace and understanding in our lives.

The Four Noble Truths

Batchelor digs into the Four Noble Truths, a fundamental concept in Buddhism. He explains them in a way that's easy to understand and apply in our daily lives. It's not about believing in them, but about experiencing and understanding them.

Mindfulness and Meditation

The author emphasizes the importance of mindfulness and meditation. He guides us on how to practice these techniques to achieve a state of calm and clarity. It's not about achieving enlightenment, but about being present and aware in each moment.

Questioning and Doubt

Stephen Batchelor encourages us to question everything, even the teachings of Buddhism itself. He sees doubt not as a weakness, but as a tool for growth and understanding. It's a refreshing take that encourages us to think for ourselves.

Living Ethically

In 'Buddhism without Beliefs', we are encouraged to live ethically, not because of fear of karma or rebirth, but because it leads to a more peaceful and fulfilling life. It's a practical approach that can help us make better decisions and improve our relationships.

Quotes 5

Stephen Batchelor's 'Buddhism without Beliefs' is an intelligent, provocative, and useful interpretation of Buddhist thought.

Sam HarrisSam Harris - Neuroscientist, Philosopher

Batchelor's 'Buddhism without Beliefs' is a profound and very clear fresh look at the essence of Buddhism.

Jon Kabat-ZinnJon Kabat-Zinn - Mindfulness Expert, Author

'Buddhism without Beliefs' is a lucid, challenging work that illuminates the deep insights of Buddhism.

Jack KornfieldJack Kornfield - Buddhist Teacher, Psychologist

Stephen Batchelor's book is a significant contribution to the much-needed task of reimagining Buddhism for our times.

Sharon SalzbergSharon Salzberg - Meditation Teacher, Author

Stephen Batchelor's 'Buddhism without Beliefs' is a thoughtful, challenging, and very rewarding exploration of the richness of Buddhist philosophy.

Joseph GoldsteinJoseph Goldstein - Meditation Teacher, Author
Sam HarrisJon Kabat-ZinnJack KornfieldSharon SalzbergJoseph Goldstein


Edward Norton

Edward Norton
