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Big Magic

304 pages, 2016


Author Elizabeth Gilbert has published a new book, Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear. Readers have found inspiration and empowerment from Gilbert's work for many years; in Big Magic, she talks about the mysterious nature of inspiration and encourages readers to embrace their curiosities and let go of needless suffering. 

She shows how to tackle what we most love and how to face down what we most fear. She discusses the attitudes, approaches, and habits that can help us live our most creative lives. Balancing between soulful spirituality and cheerful pragmatism, Gilbert offers advice on how to uncover the "strange jewels" that are hidden within each of us.

Embrace Your Creativity

Elizabeth Gilbert encourages readers to explore their creative side. She believes that everyone has a unique creative gift and it's our job to find it. So, don't be afraid to dig deep and discover your own creative potential.

Fear is Normal

Gilbert makes it clear that fear is a normal part of the creative process. Instead of letting it stop you, she suggests you acknowledge it, but don't let it control your actions. It's okay to feel scared, just don't let it hold you back.

Inspiration is Everywhere

In Big Magic, you'll find that inspiration isn't something that just happens. It's everywhere around us and it's our job to be open and receptive to it. So, keep your eyes open and be ready to grab it when it comes.

Persistence is Key

She emphasizes the importance of persistence in the creative process. It's not always easy, but it's crucial to keep going, even when things get tough. So, don't give up on your creative dreams, keep pushing forward.

Live a Life Driven by Curiosity

Gilbert encourages readers to live a life driven by curiosity rather than fear. She believes that curiosity is the key to a creative life. So, take a look around, ask questions, and let your curiosity lead the way.

Quotes 5

Big Magic is a celebration of a creative life...Gilbert's passion is as infectious as ever. It's so powerful that it might just make you pick up that paintbrush, turn on the computer, or lace up your dance shoes.

Brené BrownBrené Brown - Researcher, Author, Speaker

Big Magic is a must-read for anyone hoping to live a creative life... I dare you not to be inspired to be brave, to be free, and to be curious.

Oprah WinfreyOprah Winfrey - Media Executive, Actress

Big Magic is one of the most honest discussions about the creative process that I’ve ever read. Gilbert strikes a playful and inspiring balance between the spiritual and the practical aspects of creativity.

Mark MansonMark Manson - Author, Blogger

Big Magic is a brilliant and inspiring roadmap for living a more creative and fulfilling life. Read it and feel the jolt of electricity it gives you.

Marie ForleoMarie Forleo - Entrepreneur, Author

Big Magic is a guide for anyone who's ever longed to walk in the world with a bit more curiosity and courage. It's a beautiful and inspiring exploration of what it means to live a creative life.

Cheryl StrayedCheryl Strayed - Author, Podcaster
Brené BrownOprah WinfreyMark MansonMarie ForleoCheryl Strayed


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