
Discover the Best Books Written by Natasha Regan


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Natasha Regan was born in 1971 in London, the elder daughter of two Australian doctors. She studied Maths at Cambridge University, earned a half blue for chess, and edited the chess magazine "Dragon". She debuted in the English Women's chess Olympiad team in Manila, 1992.

Natasha qualified as an actuary in 1998, specialising in financial modeling in insurance. During this time she gained her WIM title, commentated at the Kasparov-Short world championship, and authored two chess books in the Trends series. Natasha learnt the oriental board game Go, and quickly improved to represent England at that game too. 

In 2014 Natasha and GM Matthew Sadler joined forces to write "Chess for Life". Through fascinating interviews with top players together with chess and data analysis the authors explored how chess skills change as players grow older. The authors believe the book is entertaining, full of practical tips, and is groundbreaking in an area that is topical for so many players. Natasha lives with her partner and three children and is working for RPC Consulting.

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