Elaine Dundy, Recommending BestBooksauthor

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Elaine Dundy (1921-2008) was an American novelist, actress, and playwright. Born and raised in New York, she was working as an actress in Paris and London when she met the theatre critic Kenneth Tynan. Two weeks later, they were living together, and within the year, she had cabled home: “Have married Englishman. The letter follows.” The couple rapidly became part of London and Hollywood's theatrical and film elite, traveling and socializing with the likes of Ernest Hemingway, Orson Welles, Tennessee Williams, and Gore Vidal.

Dundy wrote three novels, The Dud Avocado (1958), The Old Man and Me (1964), and The Injured Party (1974); a play, My Place (produced in 1962); biographies of Elvis Presley and the actor Peter Finch; a study of Ferriday, Louisiana; and a memoir, Life Itself!

Her first novel, The Dud Avocado was an immediate hit, with Groucho Marx writing in a letter: “I had to tell someone (and it might as well be you as you’re the author) how much I enjoyed The Dud Avocado. It made me laugh, scream and guffaw (which, incidentally, is a great name for a law firm)”. Elaine established a successful career as an author and biographer and wrote her autobiography Life Itself! in 2001. She divided her time between London and Los Angeles until her death in 2008.

Best author’s book


The Dud Avocado
