Debbie Weil, Recommending BestBooksauthor

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A Harvard graduate, Debbie Weil is a writer, editor, and story designer based in Maine. She is a podcaster and nonfiction writing and storytelling coach with over 40 years of experience. She was formerly a journalist (reporter and editor) and an online marketing consultant and she is a tech pioneer, having worked online since the early 1990s. 

More recently, she is the creator and host of the [B]OLDER podcast which focuses on aging and reinvention and making the most of growing older. And she is the founder and director of Island Women Speak, a Moth-like, intergenerational evening of storytelling by Maine women ages 20 to 80. 

She lives on Deer Isle off the coast of Maine, where she served for almost a decade on the board of Stonington, ME’s Opera House Arts. She spends time with her six grandchildren, and with Sam Harrington, her husband of 49 years, writes a joint blog about reinventing life (and their marriage) at the age of seventy. Sam is the author of At Peace: Choosing a Good Death After a Long Life. 

A notable anomaly as a baby boomer, Debbie was a journalist for twenty years before becoming an early adopter of the Web in the 1990s. She wrote The Corporate Blogging Book (Penguin Portfolio), one of the first books about business blogging, and was a consultant and speaker worldwide on corporate use of social media. 

After 31 years in Washington DC, and after their three children were grown, Debbie persuaded her physician husband to retire and reinvent how they live by taking a grownup gap year and then moving to a small town on the coast of Maine. This major life change became the basis for the blog they write together, Gap Year(s) After Sixty.

Best author’s book


The Corporate Blogging Book

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