Discover the Best Books Written by Arnold Ehret
Arnold Ehret received his degrees at 21 and taught college until he was drafted for military service. Released after nine months because of “neurasthenic heart trouble,” Ehret resumed his teaching career at 31 despite chronic ill health, suffering from kidney trouble with consumptive tendency. Under the care of 24 different physicians at one time or another, Ehret finally turned to natural methods, vegetarianism, and mental healing, but still without completely satisfactory results.
A sojourn in Nice, living on a radical milk-and-fruit diet proved helpful but only partially beneficial. The following winter, Ehret traveled to Algiers, living almost exclusively on the plentiful native fruits. His condition rapidly improved, and he was emboldened to try short fasts, hopefully desiring to assist Nature in the cleansing properties of fruit and climate.
Success crowned his efforts, for not only did he regain good health, but also unbelievable energy, strength, and joy of living. He and a companion undertook an 800-mile bicycle trip from Algiers to Tunis, returning completely exhilarated by their feat! Through years of continuous experimentation on himself and others, studying diets in Central and Southern Europe and the Middle East, Ehret successfully developed his MUCUSLESS DIET HEALING SYSTEM.
Thousands of patients were taught these methods of regaining health in what he called his “Fruit Fasting” Sanitarium in Switzerland. Coming to the United States just before World War I (which conflict later necessitated his remaining there), Professor Ehret embarked upon an immensely popular lecture tour. Who was Arnold Ehret? was written by Fred Hirsch, an associate and student of Professor Ehret.
Fred graduated from Ehret’s Mucusless Diet Healing System class of 1922. Carrying the Torch At fifty-six, while enjoying a superior state of health known to only a few people, he met an unfortunate accident, suffering a basal fracture of the skull, which caused almost instant death. After Ehret died in 1922, Fred Hirsch continued Ehret’s life work. Fred maintained the club and published Ehret’s books.
Today this legacy lives on through the members of the Arnold Ehret Health Club and Ehret Literature Publishing Company. This article was written by Fred Hirsch, an associate and student of Professor Ehret who, after Professor Ehret’s untimely death, took over as the head of the Health Club as well as publisher of his books.
Fred Hirsch graduated from Ehret’s Mucusless Diet Healing System of 1922 and went on to live a shining example of Ehretism. Fred tells us about Professor Ehret’s early days and his personal experiences in learning these lessons for himself. Professor Arnold Ehret founded The Club in the early 20th century.
Today the goal of The Club continues to assist people in their quest for better health through Professor Ehret’s teachings. The Club is where Ehretists and people interested in their health can work with other similarly motivated people to gain that edge. You are all welcome to be a part of this exciting club that was designed by Ehret to unlock healthfulness in all of us.