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240 pages, 2013

business & management

business & management

1082 books

Jay Baer's Youtility offers a new business approach that cuts through the clut­ter: marketing that is truly, inherently useful. If you sell something, you make a customer today, but if you genuinely help someone, you create a customer for life.

Drawing from real examples of companies who are practicing Youtility, as well as his experience helping more than seven hundred brands improve their marketing strategy, Baer provides a groundbreaking plan for using information and helpfulness to transform the relationship between companies and customers.

See why Jay Baer's Youtility framework is now a standard part of the marketing framework in many of the world's leading companies, powers the marketing approach of thousands of small businesses, and is part of the curriculum of dozens of college and university business schools. 

The Power of Helpfulness

In Youtility, Jay Baer emphasizes the importance of being helpful to customers. Instead of focusing on selling, businesses should aim to genuinely assist their customers. This approach builds trust and loyalty, which can lead to long-term success.

Marketing with Youtility

The book explores a new concept in marketing - Youtility. This is all about creating marketing that is so useful, people would pay for it. It's about providing value and usefulness, not just selling a product or service.

The Shift to Self-Serve Information

Baer discusses the shift in consumer behavior towards self-serve information. He suggests that businesses should adapt by providing valuable, easy-to-access information that empowers customers to make informed decisions.

The Role of Technology in Youtility

Technology plays a crucial role in implementing Youtility. The book encourages businesses to leverage technology to provide real-time, relevant information to customers. This can range from mobile apps to social media platforms.

Creating a Youtility Culture

Finally, the book encourages businesses to create a culture of Youtility. This means everyone in the organization should be focused on being helpful to customers. It's not just a marketing strategy, but a company-wide philosophy.

Quotes 3

Youtility is a revolutionary marketing concept. It's about providing something genuinely useful to your customers without expecting anything in return. It's a game-changer.

Daniel H. PinkDaniel H. Pink - Bestselling Author

Jay Baer's Youtility offers a new approach that cuts through the clatter: marketing that is truly, inherently useful.

David Meerman ScottDavid Meerman Scott - Marketing Strategist

Youtility is arguably the greatest marketing book ever written. It's powerful, practical, and potent.

Marcus SheridanMarcus Sheridan - Sales Lion
Daniel H. PinkDavid Meerman ScottMarcus Sheridan


authorGary Vaynerchuk

Gary Vaynerchuk

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