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Your One-Year-Old

192 pages, 1983



909 books

Your Twelve- to Twenty-Four-Month-Old is full of surprises. This child grows at an incredible rate, and learns to walk, learns to touch, learns to love, and learns how to say “No!” for the first time. All of this can be quite a handful for the new parent.

 In this first book in the series from the renowned Gesell Institute, which includes Your One-Year-Old through Your Ten- to Fourteen-Year-Old , authors examine important questions that concern the twelve- to the twenty-four-month-old child.

 They examine different stages of development between infancy and toddlerhood: what new things the child can do; how a child acts with parents and other people; what a child thinks and feels.

Understanding Your One-Year-Old's Development

Louise Bates Ames helps you explore the unique developmental stage of a one-year-old. She provides insights into their physical, mental, and emotional growth, making it easier for you to understand and support your child's needs.

Effective Communication Strategies

Ames emphasizes the importance of communication with your one-year-old. She suggests practical ways to interact with your child, helping you build a strong bond and foster their language development.

Dealing with Behavioral Challenges

Your One-Year-Old offers strategies to handle the behavioral challenges that come with this age. Ames guides you on how to manage tantrums, stubbornness, and other common issues in a positive and effective way.

Creating a Nurturing Environment

The book encourages you to create a nurturing environment for your one-year-old. Ames believes that a safe and stimulating environment plays a crucial role in your child's overall development.

Importance of Routine and Structure

Ames highlights the importance of establishing a routine for your one-year-old. She explains how a consistent schedule can provide a sense of security and help your child develop healthy habits.
