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Wuthering Heights

416 pages, 2002



1382 books

Emily Brontë’s only novel endures as a work of tremendous and far-reaching influence. The Penguin Classics edition is the definitive version of the text, edited with an introduction by Pauline Nestor. Lockwood, the new tenant of Thrushcross Grange, situated on the bleak Yorkshire moors, is forced to seek shelter one night at Wuthering Heights, the home of his landlord. 

There he discovers the history of the tempestuous events that took place years before. What unfolds is the tale of two star-crossed lovers, Heathcliff and Catherine Earnshaw: passionate and tortured on one side; gentle and well-bred on the other. 

Forced to choose between two lovers by her class status and social standing, Catherine surrendered to what was expected of her. As Heathcliff’s bitterness and vengeance at his betrayal are visited upon the next generation of innocent heirs, their struggle to escape the legacy of their past becomes a metaphor for England's social unrest in 19th-century industrialization.

The Power of Love and Obsession

Emily Brontë's Wuthering Heights explores the intense love and obsession between Catherine and Heathcliff. Their relationship is a rollercoaster of emotions, showing us that love can be both beautiful and destructive. It's a great reminder to keep our passions in check.

The Impact of Social Class and Status

In Wuthering Heights, social class plays a significant role in the characters' lives. It shapes their relationships, their choices, and their futures. This book encourages us to question the importance we place on social status and wealth.

The Cycle of Revenge

Heathcliff's quest for revenge is a central theme in the book. His actions show us how revenge can consume a person and lead to a cycle of pain and suffering. It's a powerful lesson about the importance of forgiveness and letting go.

The Influence of Nature and Environment

Brontë uses the setting of the Yorkshire moors to reflect the wild and untamed nature of her characters. It's a fascinating look into how our environment can shape us and influence our behavior.

The Complexity of Characters

Wuthering Heights is filled with complex characters who are neither purely good nor evil. They're deeply flawed, yet also capable of love and kindness. This book invites us to see people in all their complexity, reminding us that everyone has their own story.

Quotes 5

Wuthering Heights is a more profound and innovative work than Jane Eyre.

Virginia WoolfVirginia Woolf - Modernist literature

Wuthering Heights was hewn in a wild workshop, with simple tools, out of homely materials.

Charlotte BrontëCharlotte Brontë - Novelist, poet

The action of Wuthering Heights is laid in hell, and beautiful with it.

Dante Gabriel RossettiDante Gabriel Rossetti - Poet, painter

I have been reading Wuthering Heights, and find myself marvelling once more at Emily Brontë's genius.

Sylvia PlathSylvia Plath - Poet, novelist

Wuthering Heights is a strange, inhuman and yet beautiful novel.

Joyce Carol OatesJoyce Carol Oates - Author, teacher
Virginia WoolfCharlotte BrontëDante Gabriel RossettiSylvia PlathJoyce Carol Oates


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