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With or Without You

240 pages, 2014


Domenica Ruta grew up in Danvers, Massachusetts. With her mother, a drug dealer and user who raised her on a steady diet of Oxycontin, Domenica knew that she didn't fit in-she was far smarter and worse dressed than everyone else she knew, and she clearly had the most flamboyant mother of anyone in town. 

She found solace in writing and reading, but as she grew older, though, and as her mother's behavior grew increasingly outrageous and her home life increasingly untenable, the teenager fled Danvers only to become ensnared by the demons of addiction.

 In this textured book layered with wildly colorful characters, a biting sense of humor, and penetrating insights into people's lives, Ruta finally ends With or Without You with an increased awareness that she must leave the life she grew up with in order to survive.

The Power of Resilience

Domenica Ruta's With or Without You explores the theme of resilience. Despite growing up in a chaotic and abusive environment, she manages to rise above her circumstances and build a successful life. This book will inspire you to overcome your own challenges and hardships.

The Complexity of Mother-Daughter Relationships

The book delves into the complicated relationship between the author and her mother. It shows how love and toxicity can coexist, making us question the nature of familial bonds. It's a must-read if you're interested in exploring complex family dynamics.

The Impact of Addiction

Ruta's memoir gives us a raw and honest look into the world of addiction. She shows how it can consume and destroy lives, but also how one can find the strength to break free. If you're looking to understand addiction from a personal perspective, this book is a great place to start.

The Importance of Self-Discovery

In With or Without You, the author embarks on a journey of self-discovery. She learns to accept her past, understand her present, and look forward to her future. This book encourages us to do the same, to dig deep within ourselves and find our own truth.

The Healing Power of Writing

Ruta uses writing as a form of therapy, to make sense of her past and heal her emotional wounds. Her story is a testament to the healing power of words. If you're looking for a book that shows the transformative power of writing, check out With or Without You.


authorLena Dunham, actor and filmmaker, Recommending BestBooks

Lena Dunham
