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Why Won't You Apologize?

208 pages, 2017



909 books
science & nature

science & nature

1064 books


705 books
In Why Won’t You Apologize?, psychologist Dr. Harriet Lerner calls for us to make a shift in thinking about the apology and what it means to give one. With compelling stories and solid theory, she shows how much the simple apology matters and what is required for healing when the hurt we’ve inflicted (or received) is far from simple.
The Power of a Genuine Apology

In 'Why Won't You Apologize?', Harriet Lerner explores the transformative power of a sincere apology. She explains that a genuine apology can mend relationships, ease guilt, and foster forgiveness. It's not just about saying 'I'm sorry', but about understanding the impact of your actions and expressing regret.

The Art of Apologizing

Lerner digs into the art of apologizing. She emphasizes that a true apology doesn't include the word 'but' or any form of excuse. It's about taking full responsibility for your actions, without trying to shift the blame or minimize the harm done.

Non-apologies and Their Impact

The book also takes a look at non-apologies, which are statements that seem like apologies but don't express genuine remorse. Lerner explains that these can be even more damaging than not apologizing at all, as they can make the person on the receiving end feel invalidated.

Listening to Apologies

Harriet Lerner also discusses the importance of how we receive apologies. She encourages readers to listen carefully, avoid rushing to forgiveness, and allow themselves to feel the full range of their emotions. This can help them heal and move forward.

The Role of Apologies in Relationships

In 'Why Won't You Apologize?', you'll find that apologies play a crucial role in maintaining healthy relationships. Lerner explains that they can help rebuild trust, improve communication, and foster mutual respect. So, if you want to strengthen your relationships, this book is a must-read.

Quotes 5

Harriet Lerner's 'Why Won't You Apologize?' is a game-changer. It's a book that has the power to transform relationships.

Brené BrownBrené Brown - Research professor, author

Lerner's book is a must-read. It's a guide to understanding and navigating the complexities of human apologies.

Esther PerelEsther Perel - Psychotherapist, author

'Why Won't You Apologize?' is a profound exploration of the power of apologies in our relationships.

Daniel GolemanDaniel Goleman - Psychologist, author

Lerner's book is a masterclass in the art of apology. It's a must-read for anyone seeking to improve their relationships.

Susan CainSusan Cain - Writer, speaker

Harriet Lerner's 'Why Won't You Apologize?' is a groundbreaking book that explores the science and art of apology.

Gottman InstituteGottman Institute - Relationship research
Brené BrownEsther PerelDaniel GolemanSusan CainGottman Institute


authorBrené Brown

Brené Brown

authorEsther Perel

Esther Perel
